Monday, December 27, 2010

11 weeks

Well, our 11th week is about half way over. We went to the doctor today for a check up and to hear the heart beat! We got to heart it and it was pounding away! We are so blessed and thankful that so far everything has been smooth and we are both healthy. My blood pressure, glucose, etc was all fine and so I am encouraged that all I am doing to stay healthy and relaxed is paying off. :)

I have so much I want to do around the house that I don't even know where to start. Maybe if I wait another week or so, the energy will kick in and I will get things into gear. We are getting a new office desk and are going to begin getting our new "tiny office" put together in our utility area of the that our old office can be turned into a nursery. exciting and tiring at the same time!

I have started to sell Mary Kay. So far I am loving it and even just getting started has been a growing time for my faith and my personal growth. If you or anyone you know would like to try some mary kay or already does and needs product, give me a call! I'd be more than happy to help you! Selling mary kay and getting my business running will help allow me to stay at home when this sweet baby comes along! Prayers are appreciated. :) and sales. :)

Christmas was great this year and we both realized how different next year will be with a sweet 5 month old in our life. We are still trying to get it in our head that we are having a is still so unreal sometimes. :)

I have been blessed to not be sick during this first trimester and for that I am so deeply grateful to the Lord. I have been exhausted but have managed to still muster energy when I need it. :)

Question of the week for all of you moms who happen to read this....

Did y'all do any of the genetic testing and why did you or didn't you?
(we are praying about it, but strongly feel that we will not do any of the testing, but I would love feedback please!) thank you much!


Tuesday, December 21, 2010

10 weeks

So, this week has been really up and down and I suppose the hormones have something to do with that. haha. Thanks to all of the advice everyone gave me on the stay at home thing....So many great pieces of advice and encouragement. With that said, there have been some opportunities that have come up for us and I am taking big leaps of faith and taking them. More details on that later, but I am quite confident that by the time we have the baby, I will be able to stay at home! Prayers are appreciated and I will blog later about the whole thing. :)

Since we found out so early along that we were pregnant, I feel like we have been pregnant a lot longer than we really have been. haha I'm sure I'll continue to have that feeling for the next 7 months. hah!
On the 27th we go to the doctor to try to hear the heartbeat! So exciting! I'm ready for Christmas to be over, so we can get to a normal schedule, get things done around the house, start the nursery and get things put together around here. :)

Christmas stuff is piling up around here, so I'm off, but more later I'm sure.


Monday, December 13, 2010

Full time Mom and full time job?

I need guidance and MUCH counsel on this subject. My heart and mind are burdened at the thought of me having to go to work when our little one is only 6 weeks old. I truly want to cry at the thought of working 40+ hours a week, missing so much, not being able to teach and guide in the most crucial years. God has known and continues to know my deepest heart and longing for being at home with our children. I know he has a plan and a way, just like he always has with everything in our life, thus far. I do not want to miss opportunities that God is putting in my life to be able to make my dream come true. For those of you who stay at home, what do you do to help support the income of your home? Or do you? What are the pros and cons, what are the concerns and down falls? What are the biggest joys and benefits? For those who struggle with the income part of not working, what are some things that you have done to supplement?

I know God knows my heart. I trust that. I continually give this concern to him, knowing he can blow me away with his plan, show me that even my own plans are insufficient compared to his, and that when I fully trust him with every fiber, he is always faithful. my mustard seed seems so small, but He says that is all I need.

Prayers are appreciated. Any advice and counsel is appreciated. Encouragement is also appreciated as well as prayers for Nick's job. :)

:) Thank you,

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Week 8

Well, we're in the middle of week 8 and I can still say that I am not feeling sick nor have I thrown up. :) :) I'm blessed and a little spoiled I'd say. There are a few friends of mine that have been so sick and I hate that for them. I have had a head cold/allergies this week and it has been quite annoying. I got some nasal spray and that seemed to help me. At least it got me through singing in 3 services at church this weekend. :) I started cleaning out the office this week. It is going to take me longer than I thought. Used to, I could get in there and really have at it and get it done, but I can't do near as much as I used to as long. So, I am taking my time, doing it right and going through every little thing so that it is all cleaned out and I don't have such a collection of odds and ends. haha

I'm tired all the time, still, but so far I think things have been really good! There is just not much to update until things progress more. I want to wait until we've found out what we are having before I do much to the nursery or purchase anything, so until then we'll just keep praying for a healthy, lovely, sweet little one. :)

The holidays have been great so far, so busy and fast paced as usual, but so fun! We are going to Angel Fire for Christmas weekend and I could not be more excited or ready! Bring on the family, snow, fun, pajamas, rest, games, laughing and all that goes along with it :) yay

Suppose that is all,

Monday, November 29, 2010

week 7

Well, we're in week 7. I have been blessed to not deal with much to any sickness thus far. I have had plenty of nausea and tiredness, but no throwing up. Thank you Lord! I am so thankful for that. :)

I suppose that so far I have not really "felt" pregnant and it has all been so surreal that I am still grasping the fact that we are going to be parents. All of it is still so fresh and new in my heart and mind and I think I am still processing it slowly. :)

I, by no means, am a small girl and this week I have felt huge(er) than ever. Not sure if it is post thanksgiving, even though I was really pretty good over the holiday, or if I'm just bloating or water logged or what...I'm just feeling like a beached whale and it is frustrating. I just keep drinking water, trying to eat right and hopefully I will stay on the right track.

I got the Christmas decorations up this weekend and got to put our "Bb's" first ornament on the tree. My parents and sister got us each a new ornament this year. They are all so cute. I'll have to post pictures sometime. It got me thinking of all the sweet traditions my mother has had over the years and what kind of traditions I will start with our children, in our home. What crazy thoughts and expectations I have been having lately, ones I didn't think I would have for awhile.

I'm trying to decide when to start the baby room preparations, but have not had the time to really get in there and start cleaning out all of our office stuff. I suppose I will start the nesting process soon enough, so I am enjoying resting for now. :)

I'm thankful, blessed and truly excited about all the Lord has in store for us.
Love you all,

Thursday, November 18, 2010

6 weeks

So, we are 6 weeks along. We had a sono today and got to see a tiny little fetal pole and we even saw the flutter of a heart. :) beautiful! We're getting more excited everyday and hope to really start getting some things cleaned out of the office and stuff this weekend. I can't start too early right? haha Time is going to start flying by.

I'm feeling a bit yucky, most of the time, but have been eating healthy and trying to rest a lot. :)
Soaking up as much sleep as I can get right now is high on my priority list!!
I'll post the sono pictures soon!
Thank you for the prayers.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Week 5

Well, for those of you keeping up with our blog, we had some more bloodwork done, just to see my progress of hormones increasing. They are increasing "beautifully", my nurse said. :) We found out so early along that they were wanting to make sure we are still pregnant and progressing. We have another sonogram on Thursday afternoon. I'm excited about this one, because I have no doubts that we are pregnant and God is truly performing a miracle inside of me.

I think we are going to start cleaning out the office this week, so we can clean out the entire room completely and get it ready to host a little one next summer. We are still early in the process, but you can't start preparing early enough right? :)

Thank you all for your love and support through all of this and I will try my best to keep this updated instead of through email or facebook.
much love,


Tuesday, November 9, 2010

A New Beginning

Well, I suppose for now, this blog is going to turn into an update central for all of our family and friends to see the progress of our....


Yes, we found out we are expecting and had our first sonogram today, to see how far along we are. We are not far along at all. :) Maybe 4 and a half weeks. We will go back on the 18th for a second sonogram to see if we have made any progress.

There are so many things that are about to change and we thank you for your prayers and support through it all! Keep checking back for updates on all that is going on with us!

God is so good and we are so thankful to Him for this new adventure He has us on!

Nick and Shaina

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Holy Vocabulary - Michael Kelley

Michael Kelley, whom I've known since I was a young one, has written another great resource, Holy Vocabulary. It is an incredibly refreshing read and is a wonderful study for personal or group use!

I am incredibly under-qualified to write a review of this book, but I'll give you all a "laymen's" critique of the book and why I encourage anyone who has grown up in the church, to give it a read. Of course, those who have not grown up in the church and need a clear, easy to understand study of the basic terminology of the faith will benefit from the book as well. Holy Vocabulary is refreshing and gives such great insight and a new found reverence for many words and subjects that those of us, who grew up in the Christian subculture, throw around daily.

Anyone who uses the Klingons in their book, for any reason, has won me over anyway, (I am a proud Trekky) but beyond that, I could not put it down for quite awhile after that. I read it rather quickly the first time through and now am beginning to go through it in more depth and at a much slower pace to stop at each place, study and journal. One could easily read the entire work in an afternoon, but would benefit even more through deeper study.

There are some great resources throughout the book that remind me of a "pop up video" type blurb that catches one's attention and gives them a nugget of information! I enjoyed those so much and found them helpful and insightful as well as just plain fun! Great addition to the book and great for discussion in a group study setting.

Again, overall, it is easy to read, easy to understand and easy to get a group discussion going with any of the words/topics in the book. Holy Vocabulary is a wonderful resource for your personal library, church library and life group or home fellowship study library. There are resources for small groups that you can purchase along with the book. I have not looked at them, but I know that they will help enhance your group time as you go through the study.

If you have not read Holy Vocabulary, I strongly suggest that you give it a read! You will be enlightened and refreshed as Michael leads you through the basics of the faith and the importance we have sometimes failed to realize in our subculture of Christianity today. Do not just take my word for it. I hope you will go out and read it for yourself.

Last, I would also mention that if you are new to studying your Bible, do not have an idea of where to start, or are stuck in a rut with your quiet time or group fellowship, Holy Vocabulary will wake you up!

Thanks to the author, Michael Kelley for his graciousness in allowing me to write a review and enjoy his work! Blessings on him, his family and his ministry. Check out his website at He is an amazingly blessed minister of the Word and I've enjoyed being under his teaching many times! There is much more information about him and his ministry on his webpage!
Thanks for reading and let me know how you enjoy it!


Thursday, September 30, 2010

My A List...

So Lauren Paris has inspired me to write my own list and she owes me a coke or $100.00 either one. hahaha.

So my list is definitely what makes me happy and what I am truly thankful for no order actually.

this is try #2 because my computer's battery went dead in the middle of my last draft. :(

Here goes...

1. Nicholas Robert.

2. The fact that I have been placed, since day 1, in the most incredible family. MY DadT, Mother and Sissy are my precious prayer warriors, open ears and strong shoulders. ILYBBITWBW!!!!!!!!!!!

3. Seeing my Mimi improve weekly in her daily activities and seeing her personality be restored. :) Thank you Lord.

4. Lunch dates with PawPaw.

5. Godly, refreshing, inspiring, funny, silly, friends and the almost weekly dates we have with them.

6. Being under the leadership of a worship pastor who is passionate and purposeful in her commitment to leading the flock she is over into the presence of God Almighty, as well as being mentored and encouraged, prayed for and loved by her all at the same time. :) :)

7. Preparing for Kairos 25, at the Neal Unit, next weekend. The family of Godly women and men we are able to work with, the laughter, Godly advice and fun the women have! So excited!!

8. A job, work place and team that are fun to work with, full of grace (for the new girl), and the fact that I am not in charge there. :) So blessed!

9. Fall Air

10. The morning time on the couch with Bible in hand, kitty in lap and the day slowly waking up with me...I used to not like mornings at all, but I'm beginning to....weird.

11. Lauren. For letting me honest, real and still loving me despite or in spite of it all. ha.

12. Our cozy, lovely, sweet home, which God has blessed us with and filled with His love and spirit.

13. Learning that God does not deprive me. ever. ever. ever. When I desire things, that is healthy and to ask Him for those desires is expected, but if He chooses not to grant those desires in my time, that does not mean I am deprived.

14. The new curtains in our living room. :)

15. getting pedicures and my nails done regularly now. so fun and so thankful for that me time.

Well, at this point, I could think of the tiniest things I am thankful for and make me happy, but they would become redundant. quickly. I'll stop here and just wrap up by saying that everything in our life right now is so amazing...and with that said, bad things will happen, we expect them, but our attitudes are in a place of humility that God is molding us along as we go.


Friday, September 24, 2010

Happy Fall Y'all!

Well, so much has been going on that I have not had the time to blog much! The G@llery is starting to really launch some great new stuff, marketing wise and event wise. I'm really excited about the pumpkin party we will be having at United on Gem Lake Rd on October 23rd. More details to come! I have our business cards ordered from the printer and some examples of advertising materials like pens, mouse pads, etc coming as well! So excited! I'm really in love with our logo and all it is going to do for our business! Thanks to Lauren Paris Photography for the great idea for the pumpkin party and for the help with the planning as well as being a part of the day by taking pictures and advertising herself! So many details to come, I will be sure and post!

I suppose I can and will throw in some of what Nick and I have been doing lately, besides the business side of things. So, if you are interested, here goes...

Nick and I have been busy and enjoying my new schedule that I have with my new job! I have been there almost a month and I have enjoyed every weekend off, with the exception of last weekend, since I spent it sick. :( but still, it was not bad being on the couch all weekend, watching tv, being waited on by my sweet hubby and relaxing. haha. We truly are blessed that I have switched jobs and have such an amazing environment to work in and freedom on the weekends! We are LOVING our church! Family Life church is exactly where God wants us to be. I've been struggling with an example or a picture of what I feel we have been through the last 10 months. It is like when you are in a school, say elementary and your parent requests that you switch teachers, due to whatever reasoning. We are in the same school(body of Christ) just a different classroom.(church family). We are all routing for the same mascot, just in a different environment. Not sure if that makes sense, but through months of prayer and listening to the Father, I am full of peace about our decision, where we are at and that we have been obedient to the Father. I am so thankful for that peace and discernment I have learned through this experience. My heart is learning to trust, ever so slowly, yet again and I am opening up to new friendships, leaders and family. I have started singing again. :) It is a great thing! The worship team at FLC is great and I am truly blessed to be a part of it. What passion and vision we have to come and worship weekly, in spirit and truth, as well as live in an attitude of worship.
I got out all of our, or should I say, my fall decorations last week. I couldn't wait til yesterday(first day of autumn) haha. I still need some front porch decor, but I'm sure I can get that done this weekend! I LOVE fall and all it brings. Cool air, crisp mornings, pumpkin pie, family gatherings, thanksgiving holiday(my favorite), warm candles, and sweaters. yay! not to mention, football and blankets. yes! I am looking forward to many things this fall and have been busy preparing! The picture I posted is from Thanksgiving dinner last year, on the Byrd side. We all drew what we were thankful for on the table. So fun! Have to keep that one back for when we have kids someday...

Nick and I will be serving on the Kairos 25 team in October. Nick will be playing drums and I will be on the kitchen team! We are excited to finally serve on a team, as a married couple. Kairos is so special to me and my family and to do this with Nick is like a new season of this ministry for me. Since 6th grade, I have had Kairos in my blood and this is just the next step! SO excited! Lots to get done before then as well! yay!
If any of you didn't know, Nick has been working for FastSigns since June and has been doing so well! He is enjoying it and is blessed to be in a new and better work environment! He is moving up fast and doing well in the production shop downtown. IF you need sign work done, give him a holler!

I suppose there is not much else to write about at this point. I'm just so blessed, content and we're both learning SOOO much right now, in our personal lives, in our marriage and in our relationship with the Lord as a family. Thank you Jesus! We're beyond blessed!

Love y'all!

Saturday, September 4, 2010

FALLing into place...

So much has happened lately, I have to get it written down somehow. I usually use this blog for art blogs and creative rants, along with posting pictures of my latest projects, but this time I want to use my blog for less art and more life blogging.

I love fall. So so so so very much. This summer ended with a wonderful vacation to see Bob and Carrie (Nick's dad and stepmom) in St. Louis, as well as driving from St. Louis to Corry, PA to see Nick's brother, Keith and his wife Patti and their family. It was a wonderful trip and we came back ready to hit the ground running. I finished up my last week as Floral Mgr at United Supermarkets and then this past Monday, started as a customer service rep in the office at Glass Doctor here in town. I know what you're thinking, The Glass Doctor?? Seriously Shaina? What do you know about auto/home glass? Ya, I know. I don't. That's the funny thing about God's plans...sometimes they don't make any sense until you just dive in and see what there is for you. In this case, I have dove in head first into a pool of blessings and abundance that I have not had in years. The environment as well as the management are just amazing. I feel that the work I do is done well and I can have a close relationship with the entire crew, not a cordial relationship with 200+ people. There are about 12 people in this shop and it is a family. So great! I could go on and on about this new job, but I won't.

I have been so much more attentive lately to God and his voice. I have been listening and looking for him more than I have in so long and he is everywhere, in every situation. I am learning, soaking up and getting excited about so much in my life. God is just pouring out.

Coming out of a time of waiting on him and truly pressing in so hard and long to see him move in my life, it is refreshing to be at that next step in it all. There is so much to be thankful for and new things to experience! Christ is teaching me daily, about the things I struggle with and is spurring me on to change the things He and I both know I can.

Some of the things that have made my life rich and full lately are:

my sweet Jesus
my sweet Nicholas


new work environment
Godly bosses
new friends

sincere and passionate worship (and worship leader)
our home fellowship family

learning forgiveness
receiving and extending mercy to others

today. Yes, today, September 4, 2010 has been one incredible day! I was able to sleep until 9:00am! Nick and I just laid in bed and watched tv for an hour after that. Got a few things done around the house and then went to see my sweet Mimi and PawPaw in Canyon. Praise God Mimi is home after a 6 month ordeal in the hospital and rehab for her back surgery. Then we had a lovely lunch with a dear couple. What a blessing they are to us and my how they sharpen us, as well as enrich us, just by being them. So wonderful! Then for most of the afternoon/evening, I was blessed to be a part of and help lead worship at Family Life Church with an amazing group of blessed, anointed and Godly people. To top it all off, Nick said we could go shopping this evening after church and I was able to find some incredible deals!!! I don't buy anything full price, so I found some wonderful bargains on some staple items that I needed, as well as getting a few blessings mixed in, like a free necklace! The cherry on top, was seeing my dear friend Brett. :) He is a sweetheart and it was refreshing to visit with him and catch up! Cannot believe we live in the same area now and I rarely see him! Need to fix that...

Tomorrow is looking just as good! Worship in the morning with the team at FLC and then a nice afternoon/evening at home with Nicholas getting things done around the house, because Monday is Labor Day and we are planning on doing no such thing. No laboring around our house Monday, only "vegging and relaxing". Can't wait!

So glad to have gotten all these good things in my life out there for others to know about. (even if no one cares or reads this) I just have to PRAISE Him for such an incredible life. So many believers live their life as if God is depriving us of "things" and He is not. He knows exactly what we need and when. Trust Him.


Sunday, August 8, 2010


So, my parents have had this entertainment center in our family since....well, at least 1986ish...I'm sure I was little when they got it. It has been painted every color you can imagine, been used for multiple things and has been passed down to me, when I moved into my first apartment. I now have it in my office/studio and it seems to have settled in nicely. :) I'm excited to have a nice spot for decorative items, as well as books and supplies. I figured that if I have place for my paint that is not strung out everywhere, I get the best of both worlds...organization and style along with the ability to get to it all very easily. :)

Starting my next painting this afternoon as well. Sketching and brainstorming are on the agenda.
If you are wondering or know anyone who enjoys custom artwork let me know.

Prices vary from size and media used.
Most of my works start at $50.00 for small & go up from there.
Nick also does great work, as well as sketching and drawings as well.
I cannot wait until we have the space to give lessons and have art access to all!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Create in me...

This is Tuesday, but I am going to do an art blog today...I think I'm finished with Staci's painting. I say I think because I just don't know if I might get one more chance before thursday night to put some last minute touches on it. If I don't, than it is finished. :) I am not sure why, but I want it to almost look, "unfinished" mainly because that is how we are with God, as the song says, "he's not finished with me yet". So, I feel as though, painting what I think about Staci, means that God is not finished with her and there will always be more to paint.

Hopefully I will have something else to blog about tomorrow, if not I know I will be posting a special blog soon about the book, Holy Vocabulary by Micheal Kelley. Stay tuned!


Thursday, July 22, 2010

Stirred not Shaken

So I've begun a painting for Staci, as a housewarming gift. I have the first layer almost finished. I paint in layers, I suppose most people do, if they know what they are doing. You don't just start slapping paint on, all the time. There is a place for that, but when you're really trying to be conceptual and real about a painting, you have to start inside. Inside your heart, your mind, inside a sketchbook or a scrap piece of paper that you had nearest you when the inspiration came. Either way, inspiration strikes and you are able to begin putting your emotions on canvas. I think that is part of the reason I love art so much is because I am such an expressive person.

Psalm 51:10
Create in me a pure heart, O God,
and renew a steadfast spirit within me.
So here is the first part of a journey I'm on to create something that reflects what I see God doing in my sister.


Wednesday, July 14, 2010


I wanted to share some of the invitations that I have done. From wedding shower to baby shower, college graduation and all those things, here they are...
Call me or email me if you have an event coming up! I'd be happy to work with you on an invitation that encompasses all that you want for your event!


Wednesday, July 7, 2010

A look back...

I love going through some of my older digital art pieces, mainly because they tell me the story of where I've been and things that have been meaningful to me. It takes a photograph and makes it into much more than just a photograph, but a journal in digital form.

I suppose that is enough for now. Just staying creative and keeping myself in tune to the things I enjoy. Hope you can find some enjoyment in these pieces.


Wednesday, June 30, 2010


So this week's art blog, I want to plug our pARTies. Nick and I have begun to do art parties for kids. Birthday parties particularly, but we could do an art party just because! Basically, for one fee, we do everything for you, for your kid's birthday! We bring the art supplies and do an art project with the kids, we bring the cake, balloons, party favors and when you book your party, we provide invitations that you just fill out and send to your guests! I wanted to take this opportunity to plug our business a little bit.

Package 1
up to 15 kids
art project(supplies included)
party bags
party favors
$300.00 dollars

Package 2
up to 20 kids
art project(supplies included)
party bags
party favors

Package 3 (best package)
up to 25-30 kids
art project
party bags
party favors

When I say "art project" I mean that we come in and each kid receives a canvas, we guide them step by step through a series of techniques and colors and by the end of the project time, they have an abstract, even modern, piece of art (which dries during the gift and cake time), so when it is time to go, everything is dry!

Right now, we work on site, at your house or place of choice. Hopefully we will have a set place soon!
Here are a few pictures of the last party we had!

The kids LOVED their artwork and the parents enjoyed watching them be creative, have fun with art and NOT HAVE TO CLEAN IT UP! yay!!1

If you have any questions or want more information on our pARTies, call me 806.681.6233 or email me

I'd be happy to tell you more about them and all the services we offer along side!


Monday, June 28, 2010

My Little Shelf

So when we bought our house in October, we acquired many odd things, one of which is a small shelf. It is a bit wobbly and I could not think of anything to do with it, until this weekend. We were getting ready for our garage sale, going through things in the garage and I came across this shelf again. I thought, eh, I'll just sell it and make 2 or 3 bucks off of it. The more I looked at it the more I realized I wanted it. Mom and I are re-doing my bathroom (birthday present) and I am doing a yellow/gold, red and black, argil and fluer de lis theme, along with my awesome shower curtain of old circus/theatre posters. So here is the shelf before...
Here is the shelf after...

Close up of the top...
I bought some scrapbooking paper from Hobby Lobby and decoupaged the paper on with MOD-PODGE I love mod podge. So neat!

I feel so accomplished, even though it is a small project, I'm getting creative again. I'm really loving it. I know I am made to make things. That is a fact.
Hope you find a project of your own today!


Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Dust Furniture

So, I have been dreaming a bit, for our studio/shop. Someday I will own an entirely functional studio/art gallery/shop that will be funky, fresh and fabulous. How's that for alliteration? :)
While looking online at front desk designs, retail furniture, art desks, etc, I came across this...

Love it. Go to They have the coolest furniture I have ever seen! Not only is it eclectic, funky & fun, it is fresh and new! It is out of the ordinary, and as far from "run of the mill" as you can get! It is truly great art! Not to mention, functional art. :)

Another note of interest, their logo is simply lovely.

Now, before you go off to purchase this fine furniture, remember, IT IS NOT CHEAP! Whew! Great work comes at a price!

Go check their website out and enjoy!


Tuesday, June 22, 2010

A New Season

The first day of summer was yesterday. The first day of a new season of blogging is today. I have not been a faithful blogger, ever really. I would sort of use it as a means of unloading everything I had simmering in my heart and head, but would not continually update it, in the times when things were not as heavy on my mind and in my heart.

I have decided that in order to continue in my creative arts, post degree, I want/need to start assigning myself more creative projects. So, in order to do that, I thought I would start blogging on art, creativity and things that relate to such things, as well as business and freelance events.

I'm shooting for every Wednesday; to have a piece of art, a type of art or a technique to blog about. Hopefully even having some of my own art to blog about and ask for critique on. Not only will this stimulate my creative juices again, but it will keep me focused and learning more and more about what I love. It will also keep me from rambling about things no one cares about, such as what bothers me and why I struggle with the things I do. ha.

So, tomorrow is Wednesday and so I am anxious to post the first blog on The G@llery's blogspot.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Father's Day

I was born on Father's Day. I suppose I sufficed as an appropriate Father's Day gift for both of my parent's fathers. Well, I hope so anyway! haha. My dad is a quiet hero, a humble man, a servant leader. He always does things for others, thinks of others, treats others better than they ever ever treat him. If you know TByrd, you know that he is the bar, in my mind, as how a husband should treat his wife, a man should raise his girls, director should run a dept. on and on. He could live in other people's shadows, sit quiet in a corner and watch the world pass by him while reading a book, or he could choose to get involved, know the people around them and appreciate them for who they are, be involved, be in the mix and be an example all at the same time. I've been so blessed to be able to say, "I'm Tracy's daugther" and get tons of "oh he is just the best" or "You are one lucky gal" or even "how did you get so blessed?" I'm thankful and proud of my dad. I pray that I am a blessing to him and to his name, so that when he says, "shaina is my daughter" he gets the same things I get when I say he is my dad. Happy Father's Day DadT.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

A Day Off

I really do love my days off. I only get two a week, like most people, but it is not on the weekend. I have a day in the middle of the week somewhere usually and that means I have a lot of time to sit and think, dream and evaluate. Usually that can be a bad thing for someone like me. I get all excited about things and then the next day I go to work and back to real life and forget all that I thought about and get jaded. I get so caught up in daily things at work and everything else going on that I forget about what I want to do with my life, what God wants me to do with my life and how I'm going to get there.

There are things ahead of us in life that I feel like I have to be in control of and do all in my power to make happen and I think God is telling me to let go and let Him take care of those things. In His time, things will happen and it will be amazing. If I rush it, then I know it will surely fail. That, being, our business, a family, etc.

So, I am going to enjoy my day to myself, give all my dreams and ideas to the Lord and know that He has all things in His hands. :)

Friday, April 30, 2010

The G@llery - Fine Art & Design

Well, here we are! This is where we start this next chapter of our lives...hopefully we are doing the right thing! :) more details later.

In the mean time, if you need any designed materials, let us know!

Friday, February 19, 2010

My Love Hasn't Grown Cold. -Bethany Dillon-

You shake your head
What is so hard to believe?
When you are in your bed
I sing over you the sweetest things

Because oh, my love does not tire
I'm awake when the moon is full
And I know the times when you feel lost
And you just aren't sure

Lo and behold
My love hasn't grown cold
For you

You cold steal away in the middle of the night
And hide in the light of day
While you cloak yourself in the darkest lies

But oh my love, it swims in the deepest oceans of fear
And as soon as you lower your head
I am here

Lo and behold
My love hasn't grown cold
For you

If only you could see
How heaven stills when you speak
I know all your days
And I have wrapped you in mystery

And oh, my love for you
Is as wide as the galaxies
Just hold out your hand and close your eyes
And come be with me

Lo and behold
My love hasn't grown cold
For you

Friday, February 5, 2010

Great Is Thy Faithfulness

Great is Thy faithfulness, O God my Father;
There is no shadow of turning with Thee;
Thou changest not, Thy compassions, they fail not;
As Thou hast been, Thou forever will be.

Great is Thy faithfulness!
Great is Thy faithfulness!
Morning by morning new mercies I see.
All I have needed Thy hand hath provided;
Great is Thy faithfulness, Lord, unto me!

Summer and winter and springtime and harvest,
Sun, moon and stars in their courses above
Join with all nature in manifold witness
To Thy great faithfulness, mercy and love.

Great is Thy faithfulness!
Great is Thy faithfulness!
Morning by morning new mercies I see.
All I have needed Thy hand hath provided;
Great is Thy faithfulness, Lord, unto me!

Pardon for sin and a peace that endureth
Thine own dear presence to cheer and to guide;
Strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow,
Blessings all mine, with ten thousand beside!

Great is Thy faithfulness!
Great is Thy faithfulness!
Morning by morning new mercies I see.
All I have needed Thy hand hath provided;
Great is Thy faithfulness, Lord, unto me!

There is something about hymns that takes me to a place of simplicity, quietness and reverence. They take me back to 6:00 o clock Sunday Evening services at First Baptist Church in Canyon. They remind me of a time in my life when life was less crazy and every turn in my walk with the Lord was new and exciting. Being a new Christian and seven at the same time was odd, but it was when the other kids in the youth group hated hymns, that I liked them. I learned how to harmonize from singing hymns and reading the alto line in the hymn book. They are sound. They are relevant and more than that, they are everlasting. When was the last time you sang, oh, Shout to the Lord, ya, a few yaers maybe? Praise songs are wonderful, but they fade in and out of "popularity'. Hymns will forever be sung. They are deep yet simple songs of faith, from the Word.
I'm so glad He is faithful, even when I am not.

Sitting here at home this evening after a long day of wrapping, arranging, blowing up balloons, running around town, eating dinner with the inlaws, etc and my soul finally quiets. I'm just sitting, wide open, vulnerable and needy for the Lord to sit quietly with me at my little table in my humble house. If He doesn't mind coming and sitting with me for awhile, it would be lovely. Seeing that the last week, well, weeks, I have seemed to have ignored him. I hate that. I do. I desperately need Him and yet I keep putting myself back into the driver's seat, thinking, for some dumb reason that I can drive this car better than He.

There is so much change and newness ahead of us, right ahead actually. I'm so ready for some of these changes to take place and some of them I am not. I guess I've been that way my whole life. I was so incredibly scared to go to Jr High, while everyone else was pumped. I hated Jr High, with every fiber of my being I hated it. so much. Then everyone was scared to go to high school and I was so ready! I was excited and I loved high school so very much. Change in my life has been good and bad, scary and safe, wanted and unwanted. Either way, it happens, regardless of my opinion on it or my desires for it. I'm glad I don't have a say in some of the changes or else I would have and will miss out on so many good things, lessons learned and even hurt experienced.

The hymn, "I have decided to follow Jesus" was the song that I "walked down the aisle" to, to tell everyone I was accepting Jesus. Pretty fitting I suppose. I have not always lived it though. I have decided to ignore Jesus is more like it. At age seven I didn't know how hard it would be to trust and follow, I just knew I wanted Jesus to be the one I followed. I didn't realize it would entail hurting others, being hurt, feeling lonely, being alone, sacrificing or even that I would receive more blessings than I have ever known. At seven I just simply loved Jesus and realized I needed him to save me from "lying to my parents, being mean to my sister, and most of all eternity without him". There were things I didn't realize I would go through and that the journey with him would have so many twists and turns, even though it is called the "straight and narrow". I'm glad I trusted him at seven. I'm glad I trust him at 24. I'm so incredibly blessed that I have parents who have allowed me to be raised in such a secure and steadfast home. Foundation secure, roots firmly planted and love pouring over.

My life has been filled and has runneth over with blessings. Abundant blessings.

On June 23, 2007 I walked down the same church aisle, different color carpet, thank goodness, at First Baptist Church Canyon to become Mrs. Nicholas Weisgerber. I entered into the most precious covenant relationship I will ever have besides the one I walked into down that same aisle in 1992. "Come thou Fount of Every Blessing" was strummed as my daddy walked me down. One Godly man, secure and strong, walking me into another man's arms, strong and secure. The same God who drew me into an adventure with himself was now drawing me into an adventure with my sweet Nick.

Hymns will always be the deepest woven strands of my heritage and my soul. When parts of my heart are breaking or torn by life, the strands that were wrapped in the hymns of my childhood have held strong and have sometimes held my weary heart together. The strength in the words are a tangible reminder of the one who is holding all things together, sustaining all things in His power and sovereignty.

So in the quietness of this evening, in the midst of many changes inside and out, I hold fast to the Word, evident in the hymns of my growing up. They have been the soundtrack of my life and I pray they always be sung in my head, hummed as I do my daily activities and shared with the generations to follow me.

I desire that my children and their children and so on, whether or not the "church" thinks their relevant or not, learn them and know them and at least appreciate how they have woven my heritage into their own.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

A Snowflake for My Thoughts

So, as you can see outside your window, on the news or via facebook, twitter, etc you probably know by now, that it has been snowing all day. I have been inside this day and have had lots of time to think, sit, sleep, eat, clean, organize, sit around some more and enjoy some much needed down time with the Nick. :)

I got up to work on some stuff, came back a few hours later and have lost all train of thought...
