So it brings me to Wednesday night.
Our dear friend Briar is now the youth intern at our church and he brought the word Wednesday night for the youth and Nick and I decided to go and listen. We've known Briar since he was 11. Time has flown by us and now he is a young adult and has a passion for God and spreading his word and his love. He was preaching on being fishers of men, a word I've heard a million times. Nick wears the bracelet, Dad has the bracelet tattooed on his wrist, mom wears it. I get it. I know it. Fishers of men. Get up and follow me and I will make you fishers of men. la la la. Ya, I know, we put it all down and follow him. We don't go do this or wait for that and then follow God. We follow him now and lay it down. So, I was just going along listening to Briar preach and agreeing that our youth need to hear this and hear it often. I am proud that he has such a strong passion to preach this message and be real with the students. He brought up the worship song they sang at the end of praise and worship and it says,
Love unfailing
Overtaking my heart
You take me in
Finding peace again
Fear is lost in all you are
And I would give the world to tell your story
'Cause I know that you've called me
I know that you've called me
I've lost myself for good within your promise
And I won't hide it
I won't hide it
Jesus, I believe in You
And I would go, to the ends of the earth
To the ends of the earth
For you alone are the son of God
And all the world will see
That You are God
You are God
Overtaking my heart
You take me in
Finding peace again
Fear is lost in all you are
And I would give the world to tell your story
'Cause I know that you've called me
I know that you've called me
I've lost myself for good within your promise
And I won't hide it
I won't hide it
Jesus, I believe in You
And I would go, to the ends of the earth
To the ends of the earth
For you alone are the son of God
And all the world will see
That You are God
You are God
He had a lot of great points about dropping it all, going to the ends of the earth to share God's love, his word and salvation.
It got me thinking.... "and I would give the world to tell your story". Perhaps, working through this grieving process continues to mean, taking up my cross daily, giving my world to tell His story, not just Noah's story. Surely there is growth in that. For such a special and certain time, Noah was my world. Surely there is peace and purpose in that. The days where I feel more empty than ever in my life, I can rely on the fact that I am being obedient by praising him and that if I continually give Noah and his life back to the Lord, even when it hurts my core, surely there is obedience in that. "I've lost myself for good within your promise". The days I feel lost, the days I don't feel like myself, or that I even know who I am anymore, the days where working out or eating right seem like a stupid waste, when getting out of bed seems pointless or when every little thing reminds me of my son, I'm STILL within his promise. Then it says, "I won't hide it". So, here I am, not hiding it. I know some have probably been waiting for this post where it all comes out, all the grief and hurt and missing him. Well, here it is, but it is so much more than that. so much more than missing him. It is so much deeper than wanting to hold him or watch him grow up. It is the fact that in order to be obedient in this part of my life, I had to allow God to take my son to heaven and find a way to trust him each day since.
So my challenge for myself and for you is: when we sing words like, "we fall down, we lay our crowns at the feet of Jesus", when we cry out, "All of you is more than enough for all of me", as we lift our hands and just love to sing, "You give and take away, blessed be the name of the Lord". Do you mean it? If God asked you to do the unthinkable for him, could you? Would you? What is God teaching you today, asking you to give him today, commanding you repent of today? He may not ask you to give him your son, I pray that never has to happen to you, but what is it that he is asking you to be obedient in? Do you need to respect your husband more? Do you need to turn off the TV? Do you need to tell your wife you love her and take out the stinking trash before she asks you? Do you need to volunteer for the ministry that you keep avoiding? Do you need to turn off the computer or your phone (pointing the fingers at myself you know). Do you need to lay off some of the extra curricular activities so you can focus on your children and their academic, social and most importantly spiritual needs? Do you need to put down the trashy book? Maybe quit watching such dirty movies? I don't know what God is doing in you, but being fishers of men starts with the "laying down the net".
16 As Jesus walked beside the Sea of Galilee, he saw Simon and his brother Andrew casting a net into the lake, for they were fishermen. 17 “Come, follow me,” Jesus said, “and I will send you out to fish for people.” 18 At once they left their nets and followed him.
19 When he had gone a little farther, he saw James son of Zebedee and his brother John in a boat, preparing their nets. 20 Without delay he called them, and they left their father Zebedee in the boat with the hired men and followed him.
Did any of that make any sense? Thanks Briar for sharing your heart. It helped to heal my hurt this week and push me out of self pity and destruction. I love you, sweet friend. Nick and I are so thankful and proud of you. Thank you to my husband, who loves me at my worst, gives me a few days to recover from deep emotional outpouring without feeling guilty or like I'm giving up on all God is doing in us. Thank you for family and friends who spur me on, pray me through and keep putting up with all my random needs and crazy ideas. Thank you to all of you strangers who read this and tell me how encouraging I am. I truly know that this is all of God's hand and his doing. I am thankful for an outlet to teach myself, encourage myself and love God more. It is icing on the cake that people are benefiting and learning as well. Praise Him.
Thanks for the support and love as always.