Tuesday, February 1, 2011

week 16

Well, we are almost to the end of week 16 and I think I quite possibly felt our little baby moving in there....but I am not for sure. I mean, it's not like I have ever felt anything growing inside of me before, so I do not know what to feel other than what has been told to me. I am getting excited that in a matter of weeks we should be able to know what we are having. Our dr's appt is on Feb 21st and if he/she cooperates we will know. I feel as though things will start to move really fast after that point. It will be the half way point of the pregnancy, we'll be able to start decorating and registering and things will seem to move quickly I think.

My heart is to be able to stay at home with our little one and I believe with all of my heart that God is leading our family to that point. It is a matter of waiting and watching to see where God is going to move and work in order for that to be possible. We're praying and waiting. Actively at that. God is placing things in our life to help supplement and prepare, but Nick and I both feel that this is a matter of faith as well. Getting to this point has and as we surrendered our desires and our ways of trying to make things happen in our life, he provided and blessed. I know it is the same thing with this. I'm trusting.
Prayers for us are appreciated as we continue to trust, pray and prepare for all this newness that is about to bombard our life.
