Well, tomorrow is Valentine's Day. It is the first time in a long time that I am not making flower arrangements and coming home at night with hurting feet and raw hands. haha. I miss it though. I love arranging flowers. This Valentine's day will be spent away from my husband, but close to my kiddos, except that I can only see one of my kids at a time because Ava has a runny nose so she can't go back there to Noah's room right now. So, my day will be split up between the two. That's ok. Everything is kind of still messed up in our life, right now. I really didn't know how to even sit down and being writing about what has happened since the last update. I guess I wanted updates from then on out to be encouraging, momentous, amazingly wonderful progress updates and that one update we all want to read about; the one where we go home. Well, since I wrote about all the progress and the possibilities of home, things have changed. I guess I let my guard down and have now been hesitant to really unload or think forward. I just get through each day, minute at a time. The days drag. His progress is slow, but it is there, so I am thankful. I am not going to go into details at this point of how things started to turn around, you can go read through my fb status updates over the last few weeks. I am weary. I am tired. Nick and I are both desperate for God to just make decisions and call the shots, without us having to do anything. Just have your way Lord, we keep praying. The waiting and the waiting and the waiting... it is getting so tiresome. (I am reminded of an incredible sermon I heard earlier in our journey)
Habakuk 3:18
Yet I will rejoice in the Lord, I will joy in the God of my salvation.
Yet I will rejoice. Somehow, in all of this mess, the hurt, the doubt, fear, questioning, deep sorrow, pain, ups, downs, there is a little life that is holding on, there is a little boy, our son, who is at the center of all of this and so we rejoice. He is a gift, not a burden, he is a precious creation, not a mistake. We will continue on this road as long as God wants us to because Noah is precious. He is strong, he is amazing, he is mighty. He is a fighter. He is incredible. He is priceless. He is my hero.
My sweet boy is the strongest person I know. I will fight alongside him the entire way, I will never stop praying for a complete and whole heart. I will never stop thanking God for my precious boy. There are moments, especially lately, where forward motion is almost impossible. Prayers for continued strength are obviously needed and appreciated. Please pray that all our waiting will reap a harvest of righteousness, fruit and blessing. Please pray that Noah be healed. completely. Please praise Him for sustaining us.
I am really dried up and don't have much else to really say. Thank y'all for the prayers and encouragement. Y'all are each amazing and we are so thankful.