This is the middle of week 14 and I have felt a bit less energetic and spunky. haha. I have felt a bit slow and my mind is definitely dragging. I am not "on top" of things like I wish I could be or need to be. I am having to really think through things and fight to keep focused. Nick and I have been talking about the nursery and of course I thought I had it all planned out either way, but you know, I had to change my mind. We don't even know what this baby is yet and I have already changed my mind on the nursery theme or lack of theme, if it is a boy. haha. I am glad I am changing my mind before any money has been spent, etc. :)
I decided to finally put a sono up here. This is actually from 6 8 weeks later, I am sure this little one is quite a bit bigger than a poppyseed now. :) more like a lemon, but I know some of you who actually read this might enjoy a picture! no belly pictures yet. I still just look fat. hahaha
So there he or she 6 weeks. Now that we are almost to 15 weeks, I just can't wait to get to see him/her again and possibly find out if it is a he/she. :) yay!!
I suppose there is not a whole lot to put on here right now other than I am a bit overwhelmed recently with all of the "stuff" one needs and some stuff that one doesn't need but wants when it comes to newborns. so so so much stuff. I guess I am going to have to get rid of more of my stuff around the house to make room for it all. :)
question for those mommies who read this: I was asked what bottles I will be using...ummm, I'm only 15 weeks barely and I have not yet even thought of what bottles to use...any suggestions??
thanks y'all!