Thursday, January 20, 2011

week 15

this is day 1 of week 15 and the hormone bus has hit me once again. yay. I just love going from great to bad in a matter of minutes. I guess my mind gets to thinking too much and I start freaking out about all the stuff that is going to change, has changed and is changing, plus all of the other life changing things that go on with having a baby. Suppose I am just a bit overwhelmed tonight. One is never really ready for this. You can be as prepared as you possibly think you can and still be unprepared. I'm asking that the Lord just keep me going day to day right now and to help me not get caught up too bad in all the things that make me anxious. On that note, a few chores and bed are all that's left on the schedule tonight; that and some quiet time with Jesus. The one who can calm my anxiety. :)

Night all,

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

week 14

This is the middle of week 14 and I have felt a bit less energetic and spunky. haha. I have felt a bit slow and my mind is definitely dragging. I am not "on top" of things like I wish I could be or need to be. I am having to really think through things and fight to keep focused. Nick and I have been talking about the nursery and of course I thought I had it all planned out either way, but you know, I had to change my mind. We don't even know what this baby is yet and I have already changed my mind on the nursery theme or lack of theme, if it is a boy. haha. I am glad I am changing my mind before any money has been spent, etc. :)

I decided to finally put a sono up here. This is actually from 6 8 weeks later, I am sure this little one is quite a bit bigger than a poppyseed now. :) more like a lemon, but I know some of you who actually read this might enjoy a picture! no belly pictures yet. I still just look fat. hahaha

So there he or she 6 weeks. Now that we are almost to 15 weeks, I just can't wait to get to see him/her again and possibly find out if it is a he/she. :) yay!!

I suppose there is not a whole lot to put on here right now other than I am a bit overwhelmed recently with all of the "stuff" one needs and some stuff that one doesn't need but wants when it comes to newborns. so so so much stuff. I guess I am going to have to get rid of more of my stuff around the house to make room for it all. :)

question for those mommies who read this: I was asked what bottles I will be using...ummm, I'm only 15 weeks barely and I have not yet even thought of what bottles to use...any suggestions??

thanks y'all!