I am thankful for this time of being quiet, of being surrendered completely and still learning to be even more surrendered to Him. I am thankful for the rest. Don't get me wrong. I will desire rest again soon I know. I also know that being home with Ava I will have the opportunities some don't, to rest in the day with her, to soak up as much time with her as she grows and develops than some people because of the sacrifices we are about to make financially. Nick is so amazing to want this as well and work for it.
So this evening I am trying to do some small chores so that when people come visit, the house won't look too horrible. :) haha. I do have visitors coming tomorrow and thursday so that will be nice. Sweet friends and family.
I just can't thank nick enough for all he does, for all he is doing and what he is becoming for our family. I pray that I am becoming the wife, mother and woman that God wants me to be during this time of transition, emotionally, physically, spiritually, etc. I feel like we joined hands and jumped off the cliff into parenthood, stay at home mommy-hood, 2 jobs to provide-hood etc and nick's face is like WEEEEEE and mine is like HOLY CRAP!!! haha. :) He is so patient and quietly full faith and strength. I am weak and a cry baby! We fit well together, God knows that full well. :)
guess that is all for now.