Sunday, December 4, 2011


Sometimes I drive too fast
Sometimes I risk it all
Sometimes I'm reckless
And act like I'm made of steel
But I'm just flesh and bones
A product of the Fall
Still I have purpose
And this I know to be real

Life is precious, life is sweet
Like the earth beneath my feet
Though I know I'm passing through
I know I belong to You
Life is precious, life is sweet
And this truth makes it complete
Knowing Jesus died for me
Life is precious
Life is precious, life is sweet

I can't see past myself
When I get depressed
I take for granted
This life You've given me
There are a million ways
I've been so richly blessed
I can't imagine
Not being able to see

And this life I live in the body
I live by faith in the One
Who gave Himself for me

That is a really old song that I remember singing in youth choir, a million years ago. There was a sweet boy, that I didn't know well at all, but we share an Uncle and and Aunt. My Uncle Brad (on my mom's side) has a brother and his family that live in Odessa. They have 3 children. 2 girls and 1 boy. Carson, the middle and the only boy, took his life this weekend. It was a complete shock to his family. I had met Carson once, when he was tiny, and did not know him really, especially in the last few years of becoming a teenager, learning to drive, getting a first job, etc. I cannot imagine how much sorrow is filling his parent's heart. Just overhearing my aunt talking to my mother when she called was enough to make my heart cringe and my mind fill with the "what if's". What if someone new he was hurting? Did he know he was hurting? Was he getting any help? Was he being bullied? He was an avid hunter, as far as I know and was well aware of gun safety. I cannot fathom the hurt and pain he must have been going through to get to the point he did. I hurt for his parents as they will forever question and wonder about what led their precious son to end his life. My heart and my prayers go to them. I cannot get them off my mind. I know the Holy Spirit is praying for them with words that I cannot express.

Today has been an interesting, but good day. :) Church was a wonderful time of worship, fellowship and Dale shared a message that spoke straight to my heart. Faith is obedient. Period. Always. The mountain I'm facing is still a mountain, but the faith and power I feel inside to climb it is bigger and ready to go. Thank you Dale for being obedient to share the Word, the wisdom God has poured over you and for being real with us. After church, we came home and had home made chicken soup and then Nick got to working on our main bathroom toilet. I know you're jealous. I won't go into unnecessary details, just know that I am so thankful and proud of my husband for being "handy manny" and saving us money by doing it himself, even through the turmoil and frustration of it. ha! We have had a nice snuggly evening by the fire, watching a movie and enjoying the quietness (besides the occasional, ba ba ba, from ava). Life is precious. Life is sweet.

