so I didn't think I would have to get to this point in our pregnancy. Things have been so smooth and great the whole time. But, here we are. Until monday, I will be resting at home. This seems like a great little vacation but it isn't. I feel rather useless and I am struggling with feeling like I'm letting everyone down. I know the enemy is just trying to keep me anxious, stressed and frustrated, so I am looking at bed rest, as a time of surrender, quietness, and a time to listen and prepare for this huge life change coming. I am always going a million miles a day and so God is forcing me to stop, slow down, be quiet, still and listen to him. Pray I surrender and really listen to him during this weekend. I pray I can sleep, read, pray, work on some stuff for design and mary kay (while on the couch) and also make flower balls for Robbie's wedding! (while on the couch) :) no worries, I won't be up and about. prayers are appreciated. I'm sure I will blog again sometime this weekend.