So, I started a journal the week after we found out we were pregnant and have been fairly good to keep up with it until the last few weeks. I would love to catch up a bit in that and write down just the daily things that I would want him/her to have someday. It is for me now, but I know it will be special to him/her later.
Nick and I got a lot more done in cleaning out the extra room, soon to be nursery. I think we ended up just moving stuff from that room to other places or the garage, but it is not in that room, so it is progress. :) I will be happy to have things cleaned out and ready for whatever decor we go with. Lots to figure out before then though! I will post our ideas sometime soon.
For now, what cribs do any of y'all recommend for us? What did y'all use and what worked best for y'all? My parents are gracious and are excited to get us the crib for bb and I want to start doing some homework on them and get some advice! :) thanks!!
p.s. maternity pants seem to be the comfiest pants I have. besides my pj's. :)