Well, we've been here in St. Louis since Sunday and it has been WONDERFUL!! We got here Sunday night and had some mexican food and good conversation with my father in law and stepmother in law. On Monday we just stayed in the house; slept in, watched TV, and just chilled out. We did get out once, for White Castle and a few groceries for the house. :) Tuesday we stayed in all day as well. In fact, we didn't leave the house all day, until about 8 and we went to Baskin Robbins for ice cream. :) So on Wednesday we decided to go to the Budweiser Brewery for a tour! It was really interesting and we had a great time together. We also enjoyed a free drink at the end of the tour. :) Then we decided to go to the St. Louis Cathedral Basilica. It is GORGEOUS!!! It is the largest collection of mosaic art work in the WORLD!! Every square inch of the place is either mosaic or marble. Just breathtaking. We could have just sat there and looked up, for hours. :) The weather has been BEAUTIFUL and it even RAINED last night. I hadn't heard thunder in forever!!!! It was a pretty rain and we enjoyed it. I think Bob and Carrie thought we were crazy. haha. We went to the St. Louis Zoo today and had a blast as well! They have a really neat collection of various animals! Even though we don't have kids we noticed how kid friendly it is and if you have kids and are in the area, you should definitely go. It is FREE and there are LOTS of neat things to see and do. There are a few things that cost money, but they are optional. Anyway, it was a fun time and now our feet are completely aching. :) We were going to try to make it to the Art Museum today, but ran out of time, so I think we are going to try to go Saturday when Carrie isn't working since she will enjoy it as well. Tomorrow we're sleeping in, chillin at home and then for dinner we are going out to The Bistro Restaurant for dinner and jazz music. That should be a fun time! :) Then on Saturday we are doing some more sleeping and resting, as well as going to the movies and the Art Museum. Then on Sunday we make our way back home... :) It has been such a wonderful time of just hanging out with each other!!!! I mean, we generally see each other for 5 minutes in the morning and then for a few hours in the evening. So, this has been very nice, just getting to spend time together. Love it!!!
Back to the normal pace next week, but until then, we still have 3 days. :) we'll soak it up!!
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