So, I've used this blog lately to let everyone know about Noah and all that is going on with the pregnancy and journey we're on with him, but I need to update you on the other happenings in our little life. Remember, we have a daughter too! haha!! Ava has been busy getting bigger and more grown up every day it seems. By the time she turned 1 she didn't have a pacifier anymore and she was off the bottle. Oh, and she was walking!!! Now it seems as though she is running more! haha. She keeps Noah and I busy chasing her around all day. :) Ava is tall, smart, silly, sweet and learning so much! She has a good array of words and likes to dance to music. Right now, she is learning to go to sleep in her bed. She's uesd to being rocked to sleep and then laid down, so now she is learning how to get to sleep without the rocking. bittersweet for sure. :) She brings joy and brightness to our life! I will miss her so much when we're apart for the time after Noah is born. :( She is a little ray of sunshine and I can't imagine life without her!!!
Please, when you pray for us, pray for Ava and all the transition she will have to go through in the next few months, as we will be seperated at times, she'll be in a different routine for a time, and then learning to adapt to a new baby as well. :)
We had a dr appt here in Amarillo yesterday and everything looks wonderful!!!! (minus what we already know about his heart) He is growing perfectly, he's the right size, he even smiled and was silly for us in the sonogram. :) sweet boy. I'm so thankful that everything else thus far, is great! My
blood pressure was perfect and I have no swelling. Thank you Lord for wonderful news and progress! I am so so thankful for every new day that things are still just fine. :) Here is Noah and his grin. LOVE him. Thank you for your prayers for him and all the support. We feel the prayers, even on the hard days of going through all the techinical paperwork stuff, etc. We're thankful for you all and love you all so much.
I'm looking forward to this weekend! Family, fellowship, free movie night at church, downtime with my nicholas and ava....can't get better. :) Blessings to all!
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