Friday, September 24, 2010

Happy Fall Y'all!

Well, so much has been going on that I have not had the time to blog much! The G@llery is starting to really launch some great new stuff, marketing wise and event wise. I'm really excited about the pumpkin party we will be having at United on Gem Lake Rd on October 23rd. More details to come! I have our business cards ordered from the printer and some examples of advertising materials like pens, mouse pads, etc coming as well! So excited! I'm really in love with our logo and all it is going to do for our business! Thanks to Lauren Paris Photography for the great idea for the pumpkin party and for the help with the planning as well as being a part of the day by taking pictures and advertising herself! So many details to come, I will be sure and post!

I suppose I can and will throw in some of what Nick and I have been doing lately, besides the business side of things. So, if you are interested, here goes...

Nick and I have been busy and enjoying my new schedule that I have with my new job! I have been there almost a month and I have enjoyed every weekend off, with the exception of last weekend, since I spent it sick. :( but still, it was not bad being on the couch all weekend, watching tv, being waited on by my sweet hubby and relaxing. haha. We truly are blessed that I have switched jobs and have such an amazing environment to work in and freedom on the weekends! We are LOVING our church! Family Life church is exactly where God wants us to be. I've been struggling with an example or a picture of what I feel we have been through the last 10 months. It is like when you are in a school, say elementary and your parent requests that you switch teachers, due to whatever reasoning. We are in the same school(body of Christ) just a different classroom.(church family). We are all routing for the same mascot, just in a different environment. Not sure if that makes sense, but through months of prayer and listening to the Father, I am full of peace about our decision, where we are at and that we have been obedient to the Father. I am so thankful for that peace and discernment I have learned through this experience. My heart is learning to trust, ever so slowly, yet again and I am opening up to new friendships, leaders and family. I have started singing again. :) It is a great thing! The worship team at FLC is great and I am truly blessed to be a part of it. What passion and vision we have to come and worship weekly, in spirit and truth, as well as live in an attitude of worship.
I got out all of our, or should I say, my fall decorations last week. I couldn't wait til yesterday(first day of autumn) haha. I still need some front porch decor, but I'm sure I can get that done this weekend! I LOVE fall and all it brings. Cool air, crisp mornings, pumpkin pie, family gatherings, thanksgiving holiday(my favorite), warm candles, and sweaters. yay! not to mention, football and blankets. yes! I am looking forward to many things this fall and have been busy preparing! The picture I posted is from Thanksgiving dinner last year, on the Byrd side. We all drew what we were thankful for on the table. So fun! Have to keep that one back for when we have kids someday...

Nick and I will be serving on the Kairos 25 team in October. Nick will be playing drums and I will be on the kitchen team! We are excited to finally serve on a team, as a married couple. Kairos is so special to me and my family and to do this with Nick is like a new season of this ministry for me. Since 6th grade, I have had Kairos in my blood and this is just the next step! SO excited! Lots to get done before then as well! yay!
If any of you didn't know, Nick has been working for FastSigns since June and has been doing so well! He is enjoying it and is blessed to be in a new and better work environment! He is moving up fast and doing well in the production shop downtown. IF you need sign work done, give him a holler!

I suppose there is not much else to write about at this point. I'm just so blessed, content and we're both learning SOOO much right now, in our personal lives, in our marriage and in our relationship with the Lord as a family. Thank you Jesus! We're beyond blessed!

Love y'all!