Friday, June 3, 2011

bed rest day 2

well, we're on day 2 of bed rest. I guess things have gone well so far. I have a terrible cough with a lot of drainage. It is drying out my throat and making it real sore, so that is very frustrating. I'm praying that it is not a cold or anything too serious, that way I won't have to be on any medications. I am figuring out that I am quite swollen all over. I didn't realize it until I stopped and now I see I am swollen all over. I also didn't realize just how much pain I have been in until I stopped long enough to notice. So, overall I'm praying for some peace, healthy blood pressure, blood/urine tests, etc to be found out on monday. then for ava to be ok and keep growing.
suppose that is all for now...

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

bed rest...

so I didn't think I would have to get to this point in our pregnancy. Things have been so smooth and great the whole time. But, here we are. Until monday, I will be resting at home. This seems like a great little vacation but it isn't. I feel rather useless and I am struggling with feeling like I'm letting everyone down. I know the enemy is just trying to keep me anxious, stressed and frustrated, so I am looking at bed rest, as a time of surrender, quietness, and a time to listen and prepare for this huge life change coming. I am always going a million miles a day and so God is forcing me to stop, slow down, be quiet, still and listen to him. Pray I surrender and really listen to him during this weekend. I pray I can sleep, read, pray, work on some stuff for design and mary kay (while on the couch) and also make flower balls for Robbie's wedding! (while on the couch) :) no worries, I won't be up and about. prayers are appreciated. I'm sure I will blog again sometime this weekend.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

so ready...

I still have a little over a month and a half before our due date...and I am already just a bit miserable! I have not had any problems until now...swelling. terrible swelling. I'm praying for things to lighten up a bit. The swelling used to come and go, but now it is pretty constant. I know this comes with the whole package...but some relief would be good and we really can't afford for me to be on bed rest right now. Prayers appreciated. more later I'm sure